Fri 6 Dec
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INTERPLANETARY CRIMINALMain Phase B2B Silva BumpaDC NoisesCatalinaArter23:00 — 07:00
Tickets RVSP Event If it’s nice, book it twice!
As the days grow shorter and club season kicks into full gear, FREED is bringing an A-game lineup to our beloved city for a very special day, the 5Y anniversary of Freed. ATW head honcho, Interplanetary Criminal, will join us as part of his headline tour. Supporting him, we have Silva Bumpa B2B Main Phase, alongside local heroes DC Noises, Arter and rising BX star Catalina.
Start practicing your gunfingers and bass face for this nighttime get-together at Kasko as ticket sale starts next Monday 27 October at 12:00. Like always there is a strictly limited capacity so tell your friends to tell theirs.